International Judicial Visitors from Armenia

Our chapter partnered with Tulsa Global Alliance to welcome a delegation of four criminal and anti-corruption law judges and a legal scholar from Armenia. The delegation visited Tulsa through the U.S. Congressional Office for International Leadership’s Open World Program to learn about the U.S. jury system and to consider whether to develop a similar system in their country. Our full-day program, hosted at one of the two active courthouses for the United States District Court in the Northern District of Oklahoma, provided opportunities for the Armenian judges and legal scholar to visit with the judiciary and court staff, including District Court Judges Sara Hill, Gregory Frizzell, and John Russell; Magistrate Judge Susan Huntsman; the district’s Jury Coordinator Melissa Tarwater; and Probation Officer Sean Dooley. The delegation also observed change of plea, arraignment, and detention hearings before Magistrate Judges Jodi Jayne and Christine Little. Chapter board member Vani Singhal organized the day in partnership with TGA.


The Art of Law: Kathie Coyle’s Master Perspective